The BBC is closely related to Virtual Reality (VR), which has created and supported multiple projects ranging from 360 videos to full experiences, such as VR Spacewalk. But soon, the organization will be involved in the AR field for the first time.

Today we got the news that the BBC announced that it will launch the first augmented reality (AR) app to match the upcoming new art and culture series, which will air on BBC2 this spring. Focusing on the foundations of British culture and the history behind it, exploring important works of art, architecture and architecture, and bringing us to the present, this is the spiritual successor of a similar series in 1969, redesigning a new generation.

The BBC publishes an augmented reality app, and the AR civilization will enable users to explore ancient artifacts across the UK.

At the same time, the app will allow users to explore the virtual reproduction of some of their artifacts using their mobile phones. Exhibits include Egyptian mummies from the Torquay Museum, Rodin's kisses from the National Museum of Wales, and Umbrian Madonna and Child from the National Museum of Scotland. Users will be able to engage at all levels of history to restore the original faded sculptures to discover how they will first appear after they are completed hundreds of years ago.

As a companion to the new BBC's two series of civilizations, this AP app will be filled with digital scans that can be explored in augmented reality and viewed through mobile devices, allowing users to explore from their living room through their smartphones. Museum exhibits.

The app was developed by the BBC Research and Development Department and London-based interactive company Nexus Studios and will be included in a series of digital tools, the BBC said, which is part of a Civilization Festival.

The BBC publishes an augmented reality app, and the AR civilization will enable users to explore ancient artifacts across the UK.

Eleni Sharp, executive product manager at BBC's R&D department, said: "The Civilization Festival opened up the BBC's R&D in a new way.

“It not only brings innovative digital tools and technologies to hundreds of museums, galleries, libraries, archives and other art institutions from across the UK, but also enables us to experiment with our ideas on a huge scale. Technology, and tell us about our work in the coming months and years. Our work with these organizations will give fans of this series the opportunity to engage with art and cultural art from all over the country."

In the next few weeks, you can search for this app on iOS and Android, and download it for free on Android and iOS. This may be a good example of the benefits of AR education.

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