A friend will ask if the LED tube can last for 24 hours. What are the obvious advantages of using LED? Does 24-hour continuous use have any effect on the life of the LED ?


It is understood that Shenzhen Qunyao Optoelectronics understands that the current underground parking lot garages, tunnels, certain factory workshops and other long-term lighting places are 24 hours;

The most obvious advantage of using LED lamps is power saving, long life of 50,000 hours, low heat generation and low failure rate.

Intelligent induction LED tubes can save 80% energy compared with ordinary energy-saving lamps. For example, 40W energy-saving lamps were used before. LED T8 lamps only need 18W to exceed the brightness of ordinary energy-saving lamps.

LED intelligent sensor tube for on-demand illumination

The underground parking lot lighting energy-saving renovation through the installation of intelligent human body infrared sensor LED tube, when no one in the parking lot, the car is active, the lamp is in a dormant state (3 ~ 4 watts); when the person or car enters the parking lot, the car Where is the activity, where the fixtures are automatically switched to the rated power state (17-18 watts). After comparison, the power saving effect is remarkable and the operation is good. Specific can be viewed: intelligent infrared sensor LED tube working principle

Whether the LED tube can be used continuously for 24 hours, it depends on the performance of the tube, the key is heat dissipation;

As long as you good LED lamp using the heat dissipation plate, the heat emitting LED is a solid generated his relatively large, so the heat dissipation plate play a significant role, but also how to examine all aspects of the LED chip LED lamp, etc. Quality . Or you can check: How to solve the heat problem with LED lights

MTB-DC-basic Series

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